[JURIST] Ukraine's Supreme Court has voided as unconstitutional part of the electoral reform package approved earlier this month by the Ukrainian parliament, just one day before the country re-runs its presidential election, the results of which were voided by the high court on grounds of fraud. This time the court struck down a provision limiting voting from home, which had been challenged by supporters of Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych as discriminating against the disabled and housebound. The International Labor Organization estimates that Ukraine's disabled population runs to approximately 8 million, or 14% of the population, a rate twice that of other industralized countries due to injuries from coal-mining (largely in eastern Ukraine, Yanukovych's base), the Soviet war in Afghanistan in the 1980s, and the Chernobyl nuclar disaster. From Ukraine, the Kyiv Post has more; Kyiv Channnel 5 TV has additional coverage in Ukrainian.