Search Results for: morris davis

Almost five years ago I contributed to a Commentary to JURIST entitled, “Guantanamo: An Unnecessary Presidential Legacy,” which focused on former President Barack Obama’s unsuccessful attempt to shut down the Guantanamo prison facility because of missed opportunities, faulty decision making, internal administration opposition and ultimately partisan political division that resulted in an unnecessary presidential legacy.  [...]


The power of impeachment is a central feature of our democracy. The founders of our country and the framers of our Constitution gave the matter careful consideration. They would not have created the office of the Presidency nor would they have given the President sweeping powers without this necessary check and balance on the exercise [...]


The US Supreme Court on Friday granted certiorari to 16 new cases . The Court granted review on a variety of civil and criminal cases. The civil cases include both substantive and procedural questions. Substantively, in Sandoz, Inc....


JURIST Guest Columnist David Frakt of the Barry University School of Law says that the double standard concerning the killing of US citizens developed as a result of overseas anti-terrorism efforts and is more recently apparent in the domestic "stand...


JURIST Guest Columnist J. Wells Dixon, Senior Staff Attorney for the Guantánamo Global Justice Initiative at the Center for Constitutional Rights, says there is a systematic dysfunction within the bureaucracy of the Guantánamo Bay detention facility that impacts the capability...


JURIST Guest Columnist Morris Davis of Howard University School of Law says the recent killing of Anwar al-Awlaqi highlights the fact that the CIA drone program violates the law of war because it is a civilian institution, lacking combatant immunity...I...