Search Results for: rwanda

The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT), a United Nations (UN) tribunal, declared Wednesday that Félicien Kabuga, one of the last fugitives of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, is unfit to stand trial due to dementia.  IRMCT considered the opinion of medical experts, who said that the “consequences of dementia deprive Mr. Kabuga of the [...]


A special tribunal established by the UN, known as the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT), announced Thursday that fugitive Fulgence Kayishema has been arrested in Paarl, South Africa after 22 years on the run. Kayishema, a police officer accused of orchestrating the killing of more than 2,000 Tutsi refugees at Nyange Catholic Church in [...]


Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Minister of Justice Rose Mutombo filed an International Criminal Court (ICC) complaint against Rwanda on Tuesday over Rwanda’s alleged involvement in the theft of natural resources in the DRC. The minister stated that the Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) had been collaborating with the rebel group M23, which has taken [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Monday urged countries involved in ongoing negotiations for an international anti-plastic pollution treaty to address the role of fossil fuels in plastic production. The organization also cited the need for human rights protections to be included within this Global Plastics Treaty. On November 28, 2022, countries began treaty negotiations based [...]


The Parliament of the United Kingdom Wednesday passed the controversial Illegal Migration Bill through the House of Commons, clearing all reading stages in the lower House of Parliament. Passing by 289 votes to 230, the bill will now move through several readings in the House of Lords. The bill must pass both the House of [...]


A widespread or systematic attack directed against civilians is a crime against humanity—a crime against us all. The jurisprudence around the creation of this international crime began early in the 20th century and evolved through the International Military Tribunals at Nuremberg and Tokyo, and into the modern era during what is called the Age of [...]


UK charity organisation Refugee Action Thursday reported that the UK’s asylum housing system is “cruel by design,” and outlined the poor conditions and systems of racialised segregation towards the asylum seekers. The report chronicles one hundred interviews with asylum seekers situated in hotels in London, Manchester, West Midlands and Bradford. According to the report, asylum [...]