Search Results for: libya

Credo quia absurdum. “I believe because it is absurd.” -Tertullian Macrocosm and Microcosm One thing is certain. If Donald J. Trump should decide to run again, various condemnations and justifications would instantly spring forth from absolutely every segment of the political spectrum. The deepest and truest explanations, however, would not be discoverable in day-to-day politics. [...]


Amnesty International Monday released a statement condemning the European Union’s cooperation with Libyan authorities to intercept refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. According to Amnesty, “migrants and refugees both in and outside of detention in Libya are systematically subjected to a litany of abuses by militias, armed groups and security forces with [...]


A 42-year-old mother and former schoolteacher from Kansas faces terrorism charges in US federal court for having allegedly led an all-women Islamic State battalion, trained children to use suicide belts and heavy weapons, and planning to attack an American college, according to materials released by the Department of Justice on Saturday. Defendant Allison Fluke-Ekren stands [...]


UN Secretary General António Guterres Monday encouraged members to devise “an ambitious plan for the future to establish restrictions on the use of certain types of autonomous weapons” ahead of the Sixth Review Conference of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW). He has called on the CCW to “swiftly advance its work on autonomous [...]


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on Friday overturned a decision allowing the United States Justice Department to withhold records concerning former Acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates’ 2017 refusal to defend former President Donald Trump’s travel ban targeting seven Muslim-majority nations. As one of his firsts acts as president, [...]


The UN Human Rights Office, represented by spokesperson Marta Hurtado, deemed on Tuesday that Libyan security forces had used “unnecessary and disproportionate” force to detain African migrants when those that had attempted to escape were fatally shot. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) requested an inquiry into the violence perpetrated by [...]


The United Nations announced Monday that a fact-finding mission in Libya revealed likely crimes against humanity and war crimes. The UN Human Rights Council ordered the investigation in June 2020 in response to “chaos and conflict” after 2011 ousting of President Muammar Gaddafi. Libya is now controlled by the warring Government of National Accord (GNA) and [...]


The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), an independent humanitarian organization operating in Libya, raised concern on Friday over the mass arrests and detention of more than 500 migrants in Tripoli by Libyan authorities. Libya’s Interior Ministry stated that security forces have carried out a major  operation against criminals, liquor and drug dealers, and undocumented people in [...]


Amnesty International released a report Thursday stating that migrants and refugees detained in Libyan detention centers face harrowing sexual violence from guards, including being forced to trade sex for clean food and water. The report is based on interviews with 53 refugees and migrants who were intercepted in the central Mediterranean and disembarked in western [...]


On June 7, at a public hearing, Representative Ilhan Omar asked Secretary of State Tony Blinken where the victims of alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity could go to seek justice if domestic prosecutors won’t pursue cases in court. Omar had noted the Biden administration’s opposition to the International Criminal Court (ICC)’s Afghanistan and [...]