Search Results for: Peru

Peruvian law students from the Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco are reporting for JURIST on law-related events in and affecting Perú. All of them are from CIED (Centro de Investigación de los Estudiantes de Derecho), a research center in UNSAAC’s faculty of law dedicated to spreading legal information and [...]


The Colombian Prosecutor’s Office is currently investigating statements made by a retired army colonel who spoke of “defenestraring” the president during a radio interview on Thursday. The controversial statements implied support of a coup d’etat against the president. This follows military protests against President Petro and his defense policies. Retired Colonel John Marulanda, the former [...]


UN human rights experts Monday issued a statement expressing deep concern about the reported repression, killings, arrests and disappearances of demonstrators in Peru. Experts are also concerned about reports of violence against media personnel covering the protests. They are also worried about peaceful demonstrators being labeled as terrorists because of the potential stigma and conceivable [...]


The Ombudsman Office of Peru (Defensoría del Pueblo del Perú) Saturday reported that 55 people have been killed by authorities amid ongoing protests against President Dina Boluarte’s government. The office also reported that it inquired into the arrest of 191 people in Lima and interviewed police to determine when protestors may be released. In further [...]


The government of Peru Saturday declared a state of emergency through in the wake of national anti-government protests that have left 42 civilians dead. Supreme Decree No. 009-2023—published in Peru’s official gazette —declares that from January 15, a 30-day emergency period will be imposed in various provinces, including the capital city of Lima. The decree explicitly [...]


At least 17 people were killed Monday during anti-government protests in Peru, according to the Peruvian Ombudsman’s Office. The protests began in early December 2022 following the removal and arrest of former president Pedro Castillo, who is currently serving 18 months of pre-trial detention on rebellion charges after he attempted to dissolve Congress illegally. The [...]


Peru Monday detained six police generals amid an ongoing investigation into the alleged crimes of former President Pedro Castillo. The anti-corruption unit of Peru’s attorney general’s office Monday detained announced that the proceedings were carried out by prosecutor Luis Martinez and included 26 searches across the country. The public prosecutor’s office also said that the police seized “documents [...]


Anjana Meza, JURIST’s staff correspondent at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru in Lima, forwards this eyewitness account of recent protests in Arequipa from a law student at the Universidad del Pacífico who was visiting southern Peru earlier this month when Peru’s Congress removed President Pedro Castillo, who had attempted to unconstitutionally dissolve the legislature. [...]