Search Results for: Peru

Peru’s Justice Department said on Monday it has extended the pre-trial detention of jailed former president Pedro Castillo, by 14 months. Castillo is charged with rebellion, abuse of authority, and disrupting the peace. The former president has been detained in Barbadillo Prison since December 2022. The local news service Andina reported that the measure was [...]


The Ecuadorian police announced Friday the arrest of Julio Alberto M. A., also known as “Negro Tulio,” the leader of the Chone gang, in Panama. He is implicated in the murder of prosecutor Cesar Suarez in January 2024, who was investigating organized transnational crime in Guayas province. On June 1, Ecuadorian authorities confirmed that Julio [...]


Hundreds of demonstrators marched Friday in Peru’s capital Lima to call for the repeal of recent legislation that classifies transgender individuals as having a mental illness to provide them access to health benefits. The law includes transgender identities as mental health conditions in the country’s Essential Health Insurance Plan, which outlines the health conditions covered [...]


The Peruvian Congress dismissed three motions aimed at impeaching President Dina Boluarte on Friday. Motions 11507, 11508 and 11512 were introduced primarily by opposition legislators, mainly from leftist factions, with the intent of declaring Boluarte’s “permanent moral incapacity” to serve as president. The impeachment efforts were based on Article 113.2 of the Peru Constitution, which [...]


The Attorney General’s Office of Peru announced on Friday the initiation of an investigation regarding President Dina Boluarte’s decision to disband a special police unit that was probing her brother, who was detained earlier that day. The office stated that preliminary proceedings had been initiated against President Boluarte and Minister of the Interior Walter Ortiz [...]


Peruvian law students from the Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco are reporting for JURIST on law-related events in or affecting Perú. All of them are from CIED (Centro de Investigación de los Estudiantes de Derecho, a student research center in UNSAAC’s faculty of law dedicated to spreading legal information [...]


Peru’s Foreign Ministry reversed a previous decision on Wednesday to require visas for Mexican visitors. In a press statement, originally published in Spanish, officials stated the rationale for the reversal was a potential negative impact to the country’s tourism sector and a commitment to the free movement of people and goods. The decision to abandon [...]


Peruvian law students from the Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco are reporting for JURIST on law-related events in or affecting Perú. All of them are from CIED (Centro de Investigación de los Estudiantes de Derecho, a student research center in UNSAAC’s faculty of law dedicated to spreading legal information [...]


The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 stands as a cornerstone treaty in the realm of international law, delineating the structure for diplomatic interactions between sovereign states. This pivotal agreement secures the rights and protections of diplomatic missions, granting diplomats the freedom to execute their duties without hindrance or intimidation from the host nation. [...]


Mexico’s foreign minister, Alicia Bárcena, announced on Monday in a press conference in Sinaloa that the Ecuadorian ambassador to the country will not be asked to leave following an “unjustified” raid on Mexico’s embassy in Quito. Bárcena also informed that the ministry would be turning to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to “denounce this [...]