Search Results for: Mali

Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported on Thursday three episodes involving the militia in Burkina Faso have resulted in the forced disappearances and purported deaths of 18 men, the execution of at least nine men and the severe beating of children between the ages of 6 and 16. The armed forces allegedly committed these atrocities during [...]


Mali’s constitution was revised in a referendum on Friday, with an overwhelming 97 percent of voters supporting the changes. This marks a significant stride towards the ruling junta’s objective of reinstating civilian rule. The amended constitution grants more power to the president, fueling speculation about Colonel Assimi Goita, the junta’s leader, potentially running for president. [...]


Russian authorities have initiated criminal proceedings against mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin on grounds of incitement to armed rebellion, Russian state-controlled media reported Friday, citing security and anti-terrorism authorities. Earlier Friday, Wagner mercenary group chief Prigozhin — a longtime associate of President Vladimir Putin — released a series of videos accusing Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu [...]


The nation of Mali postponed the release of the results of its constitutional referendums amid tensions with rebel groups and the UN. Mali’s Independent Election Management Authority (AIGE) has stated that electoral law requires the results be made public no later than June 23. The Election Observation Mission in Mali (MODELE Mali) noted several irregularities [...]


An attack on the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) resulted Friday in the death of one peacekeeper and the injury of eight other peacekeepers. MINUSMA reported that the attack involved an improvised explosive device (IED) and direct fire. MINUSMA condemned the attack and reaffirmed their commitment to “bring stability and peace to [...]


In the wake of a damning UN report linking Russian mercenaries to a Malian massacre, the US State Department has said the Wagner Group may be using Mali as a secret arms depot to bolster Russian forces in Ukraine.  The Wagner Group, led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a Russian nationalist firebrand and longtime associate of President [...]


Oksana Bidnenko is a staff correspondent for JURIST. She is a Ukrainian law student at the Riga Graduate School of Law in Riga, Latvia, and is currently an exchange student at the University of Oslo, Norway. On March 14, the Lithuanian Parliament unanimously voted in favor of designating the Russian private military company (PMC) “Wagner” [...]


The Council of the European Union Saturday imposed additional sanctions and measures against the Russia-affiliated Wagner paramilitary group for human rights abuses taking place in their areas of operation. This follows previous EU sanctions against the Wagner Group introduced in 2021 over the group’s alleged human rights violations. The Wagner group is a Russian private [...]