Search Results for: Mali

The National Union of Banks, Insurance Companies, Financial Institutions, and Businesses of Mali (SYNABEF) announced Saturday that it would prolong its work stoppage from June 9 until authorities release their secretary general, Hamadoun Bah, and all their detained colleagues. In their communique, SYNABEF’s National Executive Board urged its members to adhere to the directive, and [...]


Senior UN Officials decried the “plight of civilians” resulting from conflict in 2023 as “resoundingly dire” on Tuesday, pointing out civilian suffering and disregard for international humanitarian and human rights law around the world. Their remarks coincide with the 75th anniversary of the 1949 Geneva Conventions (GC), which the international community created in the aftermath [...]


Attacks by Islamist armed groups and ethnic militias in Mali violate international humanitarian law and are apparent war crimes, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report released Wednesday. One such attack in January 2024, by an Al-Qaeda-linked Islamist armed group, killed at least 32 civilians, including 3 children and setting fire to over 350 [...]


As the international community marked World Press Freedom Day on Friday, advocacy groups and officials around the globe sounded the alarm over increased violence and threats against journalists. Advocacy group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on Friday released its annual World Press Freedom Index, warning that a marked surge in political oppression across the globe remains a [...]


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced a staff-level agreement with Mali on Tuesday, providing emergency funds to address food insecurity in the central and northern regions of Mali. The agreement follows extensive discussions between IMF officials and Malian authorities in Washington DC, as well as a visit by IMF economists to Bamako, Mali’s capital, earlier [...]


The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), a regional bloc in West Africa, announced on Saturday its decision to immediately lift sanctions imposed on Niger. This move aims to prevent the withdrawal of the junta-led nation from the bloc, considering the significant economic, financial and institutional implications for the country and the region. The [...]


Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the West African regional political and economic union, said on Thursday that the military-led countries of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso did not abide by the rules for leaving the bloc. At the same time, regional ministers met to discuss the departures, which jeopardize decades of integration. The [...]


Under international law, forced marriage has emerged as its own form of gendered violence, distinct from sex-related crimes — a phenomenon explored in depth in a report released last month by the Global Accountability Network (GAN), a collective of international criminal prosecutors and practitioners who supervise and work with law students on specific atrocity projects. [...]