UK cartoons protester convicted of inciting murder, race hatred News
UK cartoons protester convicted of inciting murder, race hatred

[JURIST] Umran Javed, a British Muslim, was convicted of incitement to murder and race hatred [BBC report] Friday after leading a February 2006 protest [BBC report] against the publication of satirical Danish cartoons depicting Muhammad [JURIST news archive] outside the Danish Embassy in London. Javed was taped leading the chant, "Bomb, bomb, Denmark, bomb, bomb USA." He testified that it was just a soundbite and he was caught up in the moment.

Mizanur Rahman, another demonstrator at the same protest rally, was similarly convicted of incitement [JURIST report] in November. The charges levied at Javed and Rahman followed intense public outrage [JURIST report] after British media broadcast images of protestors holding signs that included inflammatory declarations, such as "Europe, your 9/11 will come" and "be prepared for the real Holocaust." AP has more.