State of Texas v. Westar Energy et al., September 21, 2004 . Read the indictments here . Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.
JURIST Guest Columnist Sandra Jordan of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law considers what might happen if, as anticipated, the US Supreme Court applies its reasoning from its June 2004 Blakely ruling to the federal sentencing guidelines in two companion cases set to be argued in October. For thousands of defendants now serving prison [...]
President George W. Bush, September 20, 2004. Read the Executive Order here. Excerpt: I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, find that the situation that gave rise to the declaration of a national emergency in Executive Order 12543 of January 7, 1986, with respect to the policies and actions of the [...]
United Nations Security Council, September 18, 2004. Read the Resolution here . Excerpt: The Security Coucil… Calls upon the Government of Sudan and the rebel groups, particularly the Justice and Equality Movement and the Sudanese Liberation Army/Movement, to work together under the auspices of the African Union to reach a political solution in the negotiations [...]
Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement in the Islamic Republic of Iran, International Atomic Eneregy Association, September 18, 2004. Read the Resolution here . Excerpt: The [IAEA} Board of Governors… Strongly urges that Iran respond positively to the Director General's findings on the provision of access and information by taking such steps as are required [...]
The Reform Party of Florida v. Black and Glenda Hood v. The Reform Party of Florida, Florida Supreme Court, September 17, 2004. Read the opinion here. Excerpt: e reverse the trial court's final declaratory judgment and vacate the permanent injunction that ordered Reform Party candidates Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo off the 2004 Florida presidential [...]
District Court, County and City of Colorado; Grand Jury Report on the Guerra Files, September 16, 2004. Read the report here . Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.
United States District Court, Southern District of New York; Judge Alvin Hellerstein, September 15, 2004. Read the opinion here . Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here.
Letter from Walter Dellinger (attorney for Martha Stewart) to Judge Miriam Cedarbaum, September 15, 2004 . See a scanned copy of the letter here , posted on Martha Stewart's defense website. Reported in JURIST's Paper Chase here and here.
US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, September 14, 2004. Read the opinion here . Excerpt: There are two conceivable bases for concluding that McCorvey does not present a live case or controversy — lack of standing and mootness. As the Supreme Court explained in Friends of the Earth, Inc. v. Laidlaw Environmental Services [...]