Douglas Berman, Moritz College of Law, Ohio State University: "I am genuinely amazed that the Supreme Court has now issued 11 opinions this term, and yet we still have not seen a ruling in Booker and Fanfan. Perhaps it really is all my fault. I have previously highlighted here and here and here how many [...]


Activist groups Monday made a last-minute request for the Ohio Supreme Court to review the state's presidential election results as members of the Electoral College were scheduled to cast their votes in meetings in Ohio and across the country. The challengers, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Alliance for Democracy, claimed the results certified [...]


Jack Balkin, Yale Law School: "There are more hints (this from the Washington Post) that the Republicans in the Senate will try the "nuclear option" to end filibusters on judicial nominations. The Republicans hold all the levers of power and now would like to leverage that power to kick away the last major support of [...]


Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin has joined opposition leaders in rejecting a call for a national referendum on same-sex marriage in the wake of Thursday's Supreme Court of Canada ruling (reported in JURIST's Paper Chase) that opened the way for federal legislation legalizing the unions. Maverick Alberta Premier Ralph Klein, known for his conservative views [...]