Attorney General John Ashcroft is expected to announce Tuesday afternoon the first charges in the governemnt's investigation into alleged corruption in the UN-administered oil-for-food program . According to Justice Department sources, Ashcroft will announce a plea agreement with Samir Vincent, an Iraqi-American who headed Phoenix International, one of the companies that purchased Iraqi oil under [...]


Families of the tsunami victims are pressuring the British government to amend the rules for when missing persons can be legally declared dead. Lord Charles Falconer announced today that legislators hoped to create a system to waive the seven-year time limit in cases where no body is found. The move would allow the hundreds of [...]


In Tuesday's international brief, the Russian government has rejected a petition initiated Monday by KPRF , the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, requesting a Duma vote of no-confidence. The government denied the that there existed any real reason for the government to resign, and said that the KPRF and its allies are merely arguing [...]


AP is reporting that the US Supreme Court denied Tuesday an appeal over government's use of military trials for foreign detainees accused of terrorism. JURIST's Paper Chase will have more information as the order list becomes available. 10:45 AM ET – The Court denied certiorari in the case Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 04-702, meaning the appeal [...]