Here's a run-down of law-related events, expected developments and live webcasts on JURIST's docket for Thursday, Feb. 17. On Capitol Hill, the US Senate meets at 10 AM ET today, when it will consider S. 5 , the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2005. Watch a live webcast of the session. The Senate Judiciary Committee [...]


Senator Arlen Specter , the chair of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee charged with vetting judicial nominees, including Supreme Court candidates, announced Wednesday that he has been diagnosed with a form of cancer known as Hodgkin's Disease and will undergo chemotherapy treatment. Specter, 75, missed Senate business earlier this week (including the vote approving the [...]


The Department of Justice announced Wednesday that it would appeal a US District Court opinion that would prevent pursuit of $280 billion in damages from tobacco companies for charges of civil racketeering. The 3-judge panel decided the damages would be “disgorgement” and not sufficiently forward-thinking to be allowed. The DOJ filed a brief outlining the [...]


Newly appointed Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announced Wednesday the reinstatement of a federal obscenity case against a California pornography company. Charges against the company were dismissed by US District Judge Gary Lancaster because prosecutors overstepped their bounds while trying to block the hard-core pornography from minors and unsuspecting adults. Gonzales said that while the Department [...]


The Israeli Knesset Wednesday narrowly approved a measure to compensate Jewish settlers evacuating from the Gaza Strip. The bill passed 59-40, reflecting Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's "unity" coalition and amid protests from Sharon’s own Likud party and nationalist interests. This is seen as a major step in Sharon's plan to eventually cede Gaza Strip territory [...]


Jim Maule, Villanova Law School: "…ost, if not all, of the discussion presupposes continuation of the social security system, with changes in the way revenues are gathered to fund it. A few proposals discuss changing benefits, either in amount or by delaying the age at which a retirement payout would begin. There has been almost [...]