Chamber of Commerce of the USA v. SEC, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, June 21, 2005 . Excerpt: We hold the Commission did not exceed its statutory authority in adopting the two conditions, and the Commission's rationales for the two conditions satisfy the APA. We agree with the Chamber, [...]


Science under Siege: The Bush Administration's Assault on Academic Freedom and Scientific Inquiry, American Civil Liberties Union , June 21, 2005 . Excerpt: Academic freedom and scientific inquiry have come under sustained assault since September 11, 2001. Spurred by misguided and often disingenuous security concerns, the Bush Administration has sought to impose growing restrictions on [...]


Sentencing guidelines speech, Department of Justice, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, June 21, 2005 . Excerpt: The key to this system was a set of mandatory sentencing guidelines that specified a range within which federal judges were bound to impose sentences, absent unusual circumstances. The guidelines reflected a careful balancing by Congress and the Sentencing Commission [...]


Hosty, et al. v. Carter and Governors State University, et al., United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, June 20, 2005 . Excerpt: Let us not forget that academic freedom includes the authority of the university to manage an academic community and evaluate teaching and scholarship free from interference by other units of [...]


The British government Tuesday weathered an attempt by opposition MPs and some Labour Party backbenchers to stop its proposed Racial and Religious Hatred Bill when an amendment to block the bill failed by a vote of 303-246. The controversial measure has been criticized as a limit on free expression that would go so far as [...]


The White House Tuesday snubbed a proposal to create an independent commission to look into detainee abuse at US detention facilities, especially Guantanamo. White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan pointed to some 10 previous investigations and maintained that Defense Department and Pentagon investigations would continue as necessary with any guilty parties being held accountable. McClellan [...]


Leading Tuesday's corporations and securities law news, the New York Stock Exchange has announced that it is investigating the possibility that more traders have acted inappropriately. In April, 17 NYSE traders were charged with securities fraud violations . Reuters has more. In other corporations and securities news… As reported earlier on JURIST's Paper Chase, a [...]