Small v. US, Supreme Court of the United States, April 26, 2005 . Excerpt from the opinion by Justice Breyer: …foreign convictions differ from domestic convictions in important ways. Past foreign convictions for crimes punishable by more than one year's imprisonment may include a conviction for conduct that domestic laws would permit, for example, for [...]


Ellen Podgor : "In a 5-4 decision, the United States Supreme Court issued an extremely narrow decision favorable to the government in the case of Pasquantino v. United States. Justice Thomas, delivering the opinion of the Court, held that there was no violation of the common law revenue rule when the government prosecutes a wire [...]


A senior US State Department envoy said Tuesday after meetings with German officials that the German federal experience could provide a useful model for a permanent Iraqi constitution. Citing the German structure of multiple laender with considerable autonomy united in a federal union, Richard Jones , former US ambassador to Lebanon and now US Secretary [...]


Italian prosecutors in Milan Tuesday asked a judge to order Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and 12 others to stand trial on corruption charges relating to alleged fraud, tax evasion and money laundering in connection with a TV rights deal involving Mediaset . Mediaset, controlled by a holding company controlled by Berlusconi's family, has denied [...]