Grundfos , a Danish company that produces industrial pumps, admitted Friday that two employees paid kickbacks to authorities in Saddam Hussein's government under the UN oil-for-food program . An internal Grundfos investigation uncovered the bribes, which were made between 2001 and 2002 to secure two contracts, but the company declined to reveal the amount of [...]


The Federal Election Commission voted 6-0 in favor of Reps. Howard Berman (D-CA) and John Doolittle (R-CA) Thursday to allow members of Congress to raise unlimited funds from unions, corporations and other donors to fight Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Proposition 77 . The redistricting initiative would place the power to draw congressional and state legislative in [...]


Sunni Arab negotiators working on Iraq's draft constitution continue to refuse to compromise their demands for a strong central government in Iraq , fearing that federalism will divide the country. While the Supreme Council for the Islam Revolution in Iraq , the largest Shiite political party, supports the creation of a federal region in Shiite-dominated [...]


The Walt Disney Company asked the nonprofit firm Verite to investigate allegations of labor abuse in factories run by its Chinese contractors, according to a statement Friday. Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehavior (SACOM) , a non-governmental, Hong Kong-based organization created by students to protect workers' rights, made the initial allegations in a report titled [...]


The Hamburg Supreme Court convicted Mounir el Motassadeq Friday of belonging to a terrorist organization and sentenced him to seven years in prison, but acquitted him of being an accessory to the murder of the over 3,000 people killed in the World Trade Center attacks. The German Supreme Court threw out his conviction on both [...]


Doe v. US, United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, August 18, 2005 . Excerpt: We conclude our analysis with a few words of sympathy. Anencephaly is a horrible defect that leaves families like Doe's devastated, faced with difficult decisions and even more difficult psychological experiences. We depart from our analysis only to [...]


Court documents released Thursday revealed that the US government is arguing that Australian citizen David Hicks should face a military commission trial following an appellate court ruling from a three judge panel that included US Supreme Court nominee John Roberts . In Hamdan v. Rumsfeld , the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit [...]