Citizens of the Netherlands went to the polls Wednesday to vote on whether to accept the proposed European Constitution . Recent opinion surveys say that nearly 60% of Dutch voters plan to reject the document, citing concerns such as discontent with the Dutch government, rising prices following introduction of the Euro, fears of being engulfed [...]


Chinese authorities have detained Zhu Jiuhi, a Beijing lawyer and activist for the development of rule of law after he attempted to file a landmark civil suit against the provincial government and lower-level governments for confiscating private investors' oil wells estimated to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. No official charges have been brought [...]


The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia on Tuesday struck down part of the Bush administration's new financial disclosure requirements for unions, but upheld others. A majority of the three-judge panel found that Labor Secretary Elaine Chao exceeded her authority under the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act by requiring reports on union [...]