Kenya will hold its first-ever national referendum November 21 when voters decide on the country's new constitution , Kenyan officials announced Monday. The draft of the new charter has divided the country over issues including presidential power controls, separation of church and state, and distribution of government powers. Protests against the constitution killed at least [...]


The Washington Post reported Sunday that Bush administration officials sent a draft legal memorandum to Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco just before midnight Friday asking her to request a federal takeover of the evacuation of New Orleans, according to a source within the state's emergency operations center. Administration officials had been seeking direct unified control over [...]


Iraqi government spokesman Laith Kubba Sunday confirmed earlier reports that Saddam Hussein and several associates would face trial before the Iraqi Special Tribunal October 19 for the execution of 143 Shiite residents of the town of Dujail . Also slated to stand trial for the killings are intelligence chief Barazan Ibrahim, former Vice President Taha [...]


President Bush Sunday paid personal tribute to Chief Justice William Rehnquist , who died Saturday evening at the age of 80 . Speaking in the Roosevelt Room at the White House, he said of the late jurist: He was extremely well respected for his powerful intellect. He was respected for his deep commitment to the [...]


An Egyptian court ruled Saturday that private monitoring groups can observe next Wednesday's presidential poll, the country's first multi-candidate election . The court held that the state election committee, which had opposed outside monitors , does not have the authority to decide the issue. Egyptian President Honsi Mubarak , who had also opposed monitoring and [...]