Report of the International Independent Investigating Commission Established Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1595 (2005) . Excerpt: The present report details progress made in the implementation of Security Council resolution 1595. In that resolution, adopted on 7 April 2005, the Security Council, condemning the 14 February 2005 terrorist attack in Beirut, Lebanon, that killed former [...]


US v. Hossein Afshari, US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, October 20, 2005 . Excerpt: The Constitution does not forbid Congress from requiring individuals, whether they agree with the Executive Branch determination or not, to refrain from furnishing material assistance to designated terrorist organizations during the period of designation. Read the full text [...]


Tajikistan's Education Ministry on Friday banned female Muslim students from wearing headscarves in secular schools. Education Minister Abdudjabor Rakhmonov said wearing the hajib, a traditional Muslim head covering, violates the country's constitution and education laws. Tajikistan is a secular nation but 90 percent of its citizens are Muslims. France enacted a similar ban in 2004 [...]


Official campaigning began Friday for Kenya's controversial draft constitution, on which a referendum will be held November 21 . The proposed draft has divided the country over issues including presidential power controls, separation of church and state, and distribution of government powers. Kenya's political parties have squabbled over the document and an unsuccessful bid was [...]


Results of the October 15 referendum on the Iraqi Constitution faced further delay on Friday, with results now not expected for at least another day or two. The release of results was already delayed once in order to audit potential irregularities . A commissioner from the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq said Friday that results [...]