English Attorney General Lord Goldsmith has told British newspapers that ran a story on a leaked UK government document purportedly describing conversations in April 2004 between British Prime Minister Tony Blair and US President Bush over the Iraq war that they could be subject to prosecution under Section 5 of the UK Official Secrets Act [...]


Leading Wednesday's international brief, the Nepal Supreme Court issued a ruling Wednesday suspending the new Code of Conduct law that governs the behavior of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Nepal. Justice Parmananda Jha issued the stay in light of a petition filed Monday by nine Nepalese NGOs. The NGOs, as well as other international NGOs , [...]


Canada's federal government announced Wednesday that it is offering more than $2 billion in compensation to more than 80,000 surviving former First Nations students who may have suffered abuse in native residential schools where they were displaced from their tribes and families and educated by religious orders for assimilation into white society. Canadian Deputy Prime [...]


The Russian Duma , the lower house of parliament, has approved a bill that would greatly increase state control over non-governmental organizations (NGOs) by requiring them to register with a state commission. The law, passed Wednesday by 370 deputies, demands that all informal and foreign groups must register as independent Russian legal entities. NGOs must [...]


Italian Justice Minister Roberto Castelli has cast doubt on the motivations behind a Milan prosecutor's request for the extradition of 22 CIA agents accused of participating in the kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric in 2003 . Castelli suggested Tuesday that prosecutor Armando Spataro was a leftist animated by "anti-Americanism". Castelli is conducting an investigation into [...]


The European Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) reported Wednesday that Roma minorities, also known as Gypsies, are the ethnic group most susceptible to racism in the European Union . As the EU expands into Central Europe, the Roma population in new member states face discrimination in employment, housing, and education as well as [...]