The US Department of Justice announced six arrests on Thursday in connection with a series of ecoterrorism attacks in the Pacific Northwest from 1998 to 2001. Four arsons and the destruction of a transmission tower owned by the Bonneville Power Administration , a government power agency, were the basis for the charges. The Animal Liberation [...]


Republicans in Congress will look to give final approval to an extension of the Patriot Act powers next week, but criticism from both parties may lead to a filibuster or even defeat of the measure in the Senate. House and Senate negotiators reached a compromise Thursday about the provisions of the bill, but Senate Democratic [...]


Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said that Poland housed the main CIA secret detention facility in Europe, with approximately 100 detainees. The accusations, published in the Polish daily, Gazeta Wyborcza , are based on information gathered from CIA sources and other documents obtained by the human rights group. The Polish facilities, according to HRW, were [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Sherrilyn Ifill of the University of Maryland School of Law says that US Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito has some serious explaining to do over positions on civil rights issues he took as a young and ambitious lawyer in the Reagan administration… When the draft records of President Bill Clinton were made [...]


Opposition activists and human rights groups have condemned the restrictive amendments to Belarus' Criminal Code that were passed unanimously by the country's upper house of parliament. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe also expressed concern . The amendments criminalize activities such as the "discrediting" of Belarus, participating in mass demonstrations, and financing political [...]