A high-ranking Canadian MP likely to be named to a Cabinet position in the new Conservative party government of Prime Minister-elect Stephen Harper said Wednesday that the party would honor its campaign pledge to arm Canadian border guards after an incident in British Columbia on Tuesday, when some unarmed guards with the Canadian Border Services [...]


Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei and members of his Fatah party Cabinet submitted their resignations Thursday after initial results from Wednesday's Palestinian parliamentary elections – the first in ten years – appeared to give the militant Hamas movement a majority of seats in the 132-member Palestinian Legislative Council . Official results will be announced [...]


Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) , ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has asked US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to clarify the steps being taken to protect the privacy of American citizens after a Department of Justice (DOJ) subpoena for information about internet searches from Google and other Internet search engines was made public. In [...]