Defense lawyers for the US Marines accused of killing 24 unarmed civilians in Haditha last November plan to scrutinize the authenticity of the videotape described in the TIME magazine report that first prompted an investigation into the deaths, should charges be filed against the Marines. Attorneys will also question the credibility of Hammurabi Human Rights, [...]


The US military on Friday said that the Army's Criminal Investigation Command will conduct an investigation into the deaths of three detainees in US custody in the Salahaddin province of Iraq, located north of Baghdad. The investigation into deaths, which occurred on or around May 9, results from reported suspicions from soldiers. The investigation comes [...]


One week after the US House of Representatives voted 379-35 to pass the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act , President Bush signed into law the legislation that will increase by tenfold the maximum fine for indecency, from $32,500 to $325,000 per station for each violation. The Senate passed the bill in May. The effort to increase [...]


A European Union lawmaker calling for the US to close its detention center at Guantanamo Bay suggested Thursday that it should be replaced with an international criminal tribunal to hear the cases of the approximately 450 alleged terror suspects now detained. European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Elmar Brok told German TV news program Tagesschau [...]