Protests continued at 32 of France's 84 universities Monday, despite separate announcements from French President Jacques Chirac and Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin earlier in the day that the section of a recently-enacted law on equality of opportunity establishing the so-called First Employment Contract (contrat premiere embauche, CPE) would be "replaced." Rather than increasing the [...]


President Bush defended his decision to declassify intelligence regarding the Iraq war Monday, responding to allegations of wrongdoing revealed during the CIA leak case . Addressing students and foreign policy analysts at Johns Hopkins University, the president explained that he declassified portions of an October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate to defend his pre-war claims that [...]


Large numbers of immigrants and supporters assembled in cities across the United States Monday for a National Day of Action for Immigrant Justice , urging lawmakers to make it easier for the nation's estimated 11 million illegal immigrants to live in the country legally. The demonstrations come in response to the ongoing debate in Congress [...]