The US Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday introduced plans to give small public US companies and some foreign companies additional time to comply with restrictive internal control requirements relating to financial reporting. The requirements were adopted by Congress in 2002 as part of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in an effort to protect investors, and gave [...]


The London Metropolitan Police Service announced Thursday that it had foiled an alleged terrorist plot to simultaneously blow up several planes traveling from London's Heathrow airport and surrounding airports to various destinations in the United States and had arrested 21 people suspected to be involved. Metropolitan Police Deputy Commissioner Paul Stephenson referred to the plot [...]


A bill that would require asylum seekers arriving in Australia by boat to be processed in offshore camps is expected to be approved by the country's House of Representatives Thursday, despite opposition from within the governing Liberal Party . Prime Minister John Howard contends that the restrictions on immigration protect Australia's borders, while critics accuse [...]


US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on Wednesday announced that the Department of Justice (DOJ) will implement new rules to improve the performance of federal immigration courts and the Board of Immigration Appeals . The Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) , the governmental agency charged with adjudicating immigration cases, will be given authority to periodically [...]


UK Labour Party MP Jim Sheridan resigned Wednesday from his government position as Parliamentary Private Secretary of the Defense Team, citing the Blair administration's reluctance to demand an immediate end to the ongoing Middle East conflict and suggesting that the government's decision to allow US military flights transporting weapons to Israel to refuel at UK [...]