US District Judge Roslyn Silver on Monday refused to prevent enforcement of an Arizona law requiring voters to show a government-issued photo ID or two non-photo forms of identification before casting a ballot. The measure, which also requires voters to show proof of citizenship, was approved in 2004 in an effort to stop voter fraud [...]


Prosecutors at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia on Monday charged freelance Croatian journalist Domagoj Margetic with contempt of court for posting the names of two protected witnesses on his website. Margetic is accused of publishing the names of witnesses who testified in the trial of Tihomir Blaskic , a former Croatian militia [...]


JURIST Guest Columnist Jordan Paust of the University of Houston Law Center says that minimum due process guarantees under customary international law must not be denied when Congress attempts to articulate forms of procedure for new US military commissions… When considering legislation for military commissions, members of Congress should be careful not to open themselves [...]