A new child labor law , which criminalizes the hiring of children under the age of 14 as house servants or restaurant workers , took effect in India on Tuesday. Offending employers are eligible for a maximum penalty of a year in prison and a $217 fine. Proponents of the law say it will encourage [...]


Nigerian Vice-President Atiku Abubakar was charged Tuesday with more than a dozen counts of corruption. The charges filed before the Code of Conduct Tribunal, a special corruption court that has the power to strip elected officials of immunity, were related to the alleged diversion of $125 million dollars of public money to private interests, as [...]


The whereabouts and fate of at least 40 prisoners captured by Canadian forces in and around Afghanistan and later transferred to local or US authorities since the invasion of the country by US-led forces in 2001 is unknown, according to a Canadian newspaper report. Montreal's La Presse learned about the handovers of the uncharged detainees [...]


Liberia's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) began hearing public testimony Tuesday, with several people testifying about the crimes and abuse that occurred during the country's 14-year civil war . One man testified that he was taken by rebel forces as a child soldier to help with terror raids around the country, while another explained how [...]


Lee Boyd Malvo pleaded guilty Tuesday to six Maryland murders that occurred during a three-week shooting spree in the Washington, DC area in 2002. A sentencing hearing for the pleas will occur on November 6, when Malvo is expected to receive six life sentences. Maryland prosecutors say that Malvo is seeking a deal in which [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in United States v. Resendiz-Ponce , 05-998, a case that asks justices to decide whether leaving an element of a crime out of an indictment is harmless error. Juan Resendiz-Ponce was deported because of a kidnapping conviction but was subsequently convicted after attempting to re-enter the United [...]


In a plenary session of the UN General Assembly Monday, judges from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia urged UN member states to work closely with the international courts to arrest suspects. ICTR President Erik Mose and ICTY President Fausto Pocar presented annual reports on [...]