The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) delayed a vote on the proposed $82.2 billion merger of BellSouth and AT&T for the third time Thursday. The measure was previously delayed to allow Democrats on the commission more time to study the proposal. An FCC official told Reuters that the group had made little progress in reaching a [...]


US District Judge Reggie Walton ruled Thursday against allowing the testimony of memory experts in the CIA leak trial of former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby . Libby, charged last year with perjury and obstruction of justice, blames faulty memory for the false statements made to investigators regarding his conversations with members of [...]


William Perry Pendley : "Mountain States Legal Foundation (MSLF) has agreed to represent Hazleton, Pennsylvania to defend its efforts to reduce the impact on the community from the presence of illegal immigrants. MSLF was successful in its defense of the ability of the people of Arizona to take similar action when MSLF prevailed on behalf [...]


The US Marshals Service captured over 10,000 fugitives last week, the largest number apprehended in a single enforcement effort in US history, US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announced Thursday. During the press conference , Gonzales said that the nationwide sweep, entitled Operation FALCON III , "has broken all US Marshals records for the number of [...]