US District Judge Susan Illston of the Northern District of California on Wednesday blocked the enforcement of provisions of Proposition 83 , a measure approved Tuesday by 70 percent of state voters that prohibits registered sex offenders from residing "within 2,000 feet of any public or private school or park where children regularly gather." Illston [...]


JURIST Special Guest Columnist Giovanni Di Stefano, an Italian lawyer who has represented Saddam Hussein and former Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz, says that the recent trial of Hussein and seven co-defendants for crimes against humanity in Dujail is problematic not only as regards Saddam, but also in its conviction of Awad Hamad al-Bandar, [...]


JURIST Contributing Editor Marjorie Cohn of Thomas Jefferson School of Law, president of the National Lawyers Guild, says that although Donald Rumsfeld is resigning as US Secretary of Defense, steps should be and will be taken to hold him accountable for breaches of international law and even war crimes sanctioned in Iraq and Guantanamo during [...]


The French parliament may soon consider a draft bill proposing the addition of class action lawsuits to France's legal system after French Minister of Economy, Finance, and Industry Thierry Breton introduced the legislation at a weekly cabinet meeting Wednesday. Currently, an association can collectively represent French consumers, but each claimant must be named individually in [...]


The genocide trial of Saddam Hussein for allegedly killing 100,000 Kurds in the "Anfal" campaigns in the late 1980s was adjourned Wednesday just one day after it had resumed . The trial of Saddam and six co-defendants, including Ali Hassan al-Majid , also known in the Western media as "Chemical Ali", is now scheduled to [...]