Lawmakers in Connecticut's House of Representatives have introduced a health care reform bill aimed at providing coverage to the state's uninsured. The initiative introduced Tuesday positions Connecticut within the growing ranks of states that have recently proposed health care reform plans for their poor and uninsured residents. Massachusetts became the first state to require health [...]


US District Judge Marcia Cooke ruled Wednesday that alleged terrorist Jose Padilla is competent to stand trial, rejecting defense arguments that he often cannot assist his attorneys because he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to nearly four years of incarceration in a military brig. Cooke noted that Padilla understands "legal nuances" and that [...]


Hawaii legislators have shelved a proposal to create civil unions for same-sex couples, indicating that the state legislature did not have enough votes to pass the law. The state House Judiciary Committee declined to vote on the proposal after hours of testimony Tuesday without explaining the reasons for deferring debate. Hawaii was one of the [...]