Thousands of Polish citizens marched in Warsaw on Wednesday in support of a proposed constitutional amendment to enact a complete ban on abortion. The opposition Civic Platform party is expected to block passage of the amendment when it comes to a vote in April. Poland's current 1993 abortion law is considered among the strictest in [...]


Belgian authorities on Wednesday arrested three Italian nationals – a European Commission official in charge of delegation infrastructure, a personal assistant to an Italian member of the European Parliament , and a businessman – on corruption charges stemming from European public tenders to lease space and provide security for delegation buildings in Albania and India. [...]


Zimbabwe police on Wednesday arrested opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai and twenty staff members ahead of a press conference where Tsvangirai was expected to denounce police brutality that occurred during a crackdown on anti-government protesters earlier in March. Tsvangirai was released from police custody several hours later, according to a MDP official. Tsvangirari was previously arrested [...]


A Mexican special prosecutor's office designed to investigate past political crimes shut down on Tuesday without ever securing any convictions. Former Mexican President Vicente Fox , who created the department, decided to close it just before leaving office last year. That decision just took effect. All cases being pursued by the special office, including the [...]


Texas Governor Rick Perry Tuesday signed into law a new so-called "shoot first" law , which allows state residents to use deadly force to respond to threats in their homes, cars, and at jobs. The bill, also known as a "stand your ground" law, was approved by large majorities in both houses of the Texas [...]


The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in the case of Credit Suisse Securities v. Billing , 05-1157, a case in which investors filed a class action lawsuit against underwriters and institutional investors for their alleged manipulation of initial public offerings. The question presented was whether the plaintiffs' class can maintain their action under [...]