UN Legal Counsel Nicolas Michel will meet with Lebanese parliament speaker Nabih Berri about the latter's efforts at stalling the establishment of an international tribunal to probe the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri , UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told reporters Thursday. Earlier this week the anti-Syrian majority in the Lebanese parliament [...]


Cambodian judges on the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) fired back at their international counterparts on Friday with a statement accusing the international judges of deliberately delaying the trials of former Khmer Rouge leaders by threatening to postpone the April 30 meeting to draft the ECCC's internal rules. The international judges on [...]


Rwandan President Paul Kagame has pardoned former President Pasteur Bizimungu , freeing him Friday from a 15-year prison sentence handed down in 2004 for inciting violence, embezzlement, organizing a militia, and associating with criminals. Bizimungu's release comes nearly a year after Bizimungu sent Kagame a letter in May 2006 asking for clemency , saying that [...]


The North Carolina Senate passed a joint resolution Thursday apologizing for the state government's role in the practice of slavery, detailing various legal steps in the 17th through the 20th centuries which had suppressed the freedom of black people in the state and expressing "its profound contrition for the official acts that sanctioned and perpetuated [...]


China's State Council on Friday banned the sale of human organs used for transplants effective May 1. The new regulation prohibits individuals and organizations from trading organs, such as hearts, lungs, and kidneys, following allegations of involuntary donations and international criticism that human organs taken from executed prisoners were sold to foreigners. The regulation only [...]