Two lawyers pleaded guilty Thursday to participating in a massive insider trading scheme that US federal prosecutors have called the most extensive such fraud uncovered since the 1980s. Former Morgan Stanley lawyer Randi Collotta and her husband Christopher admitted to conspiracy and securities fraud in Manhattan federal court. The couple is among 13 defendants charged [...]


The European Court of Human Rights Thursday ruled that Russian authorities were responsible for the 2001 death of a Chechen man who died after he was taken into Russian custody during a raid. The court ordered Russia to pay €62,285 compensation to the family of Shamil Said-Khasanovich Akhmadov, whose battered body was discovered in a [...]


Members of the US House Judiciary Committee questioned Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Thursday about the US Attorney firing scandal , demanding to know whether White House officials ordered the firings of prosecutors for political reasons. Gonzales said his former chief of staff Kyle Sampson was mainly responsible for compiling the list of prosecutors to be [...]


The Turkish parliament Thursday passed a constitutional amendment changing the process to select the country's president. From this point the president will be elected by popular vote rather than chosen by legislators. The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) fought for the amendments after opposition lawmakers, fearing that the sole presidential candidate Abdullah Gul would [...]


Member nations to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) marked the 10th anniversary of the accord at an unveiling of a memorial dedicated to chemical warfare victims at the headquarters of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the Netherlands on Wednesday. Member states pledged to refocus attempts to persuade North Korea and [...]