US Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) on Tuesday urged federal appellate court Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to recuse himself in "all pending and subsequent cases involving detainees and enemy combatants," after the Washington Post reported Monday that Kavanaugh, while serving as the assistant to the president and staff secretary to President Bush, participated in discussions that [...]


The jury in the Jose Padilla terrorism conspiracy case heard new wiretap evidence Tuesday suggesting that Padilla's co-defendants supported Osama bin Laden . The prosecution first played a video interview that aired on CNN in 1997, in which bin Laden denounced the United States as "tyrannical." Afterwards, the jurors heard FBI wiretapped conversations recorded shortly [...]


The US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee voted 39-2 Tuesday to endorse a non-binding resolution asking Japan to formally apologize for enslaving Chinese women during World War II. The bill, drawing strong bipartisan support, now goes to the full US House for consideration. Thousands of Chinese "comfort women" were coerced into prostitution for the [...]


Amnesty International said Tuesday that humanitarian abuses have become commonplace in the Central African Republic (CAR) as the armed conflict between the government and opposition forces escalates, "virtually unnoticed by the international community." Amnesty researcher Godfrey Byaruhanga said that while international attention is focused on Chad and Darfur , the CAR has become a "hunting [...]


Former French President Jacques Chirac will likely be questioned in an alleged corruption scheme during Chirac's tenure as the mayor of Paris from 1977 to 1995, Chirac's lawyer Jean Veil said Tuesday. Chirac, who headed the Rally for the Republic (RPR), now renamed as the Union for a Popular Movement , allegedly financed the RPR's [...]