World Legal News

Officials from the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, Department of Justice (DOJ), IRS and Homeland Security announced the filing of a four-count criminal indictment against Gulnara Karimova, daughter of the former president of Uzbekistan, and others on Thursday. Karimova, a former government official and telecommunications executive, in connection to a [...]

© WikiMedia (Hosseinronaghi)

The Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) announced Tuesday that human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh had been convicted in absentia by Judge Mohammad Moghiseh of Iran’s Revolutionary Court.  Sotoudeh had been charged with a number of crimes including “assembly and collusion against national security,” “propaganda against the state,” “membership in the Defenders of Human Rights Center, [...]

© WikiMedia (Brücke-Osteuropa)

Chinese telecommunications company Huawei filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the US government to block the enforcement of a law that prohibits government agencies from using equipment from Huawei.  The lawsuit marks the latest escalation of a dispute that has already seen the US government warn citizens against purchasing Huawei products and ban their sale on [...]

© WikiMedia Commons (greensefa)

The UK High Court ruled Wednesday that the government’s Guidance on Fracking is unlawful. Ruling in favor of Talk Fracking, an environmental group, Justice Dove held that it was unlawful for the government not to take scientific evidence and material into account when creating its guidance. Dove stated that the scientific evidence were ‘materially relevant [...]

©WikiMedia (Mahmoud Hosseini)

Iraqi and Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) authorities have charged hundreds of children with terrorism for alleged Islamic State (IS) affiliation based on dubious accusations and forced confessions obtained through torture, Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported Wednesday. The 53-page report claims that Iraqi and KRG authorities often arrest children with “any perceived” connection to IS, use [...]

Pexels / Pixabay

The UN on Monday released a depositary notification indicating Malaysia’s accession to the International Criminal Court (ICC). This notice was released after Malaysian Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah signed the instrument of accession to the Rome Statute. Malaysia’s interest in joining the ICC was expressed last year by the Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who notably established [...]

©Wikimedia (Thomassin Mickaël)

The US State Department said Monday that the Trump administration has decided to extend the suspension on Title III of the 1996 Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act for 30 days, but has agreed to allow US citizens to sue Cuban entities and others on Washington’s blacklist. Since its inception, every administration has suspended Title [...]