World Legal News
©UN(Kim Haughton)

A UN human rights investigator reported Monday that Israel is depriving millions of Palestinians of access to a regular supply of clean water while stripping their lands of minerals “in an apparent act of pillage.” Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk highlighted the Palestinians’ right to water, natural resources and the environment. “Israel had maintained a hermetic [...]

© WikiMedia (Kristina Hoeppner)

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced in a press conference Monday that lawmakers agree “in principle” to reform the country’s gun laws. The announcement comes following the government’s first cabinet meeting since two deadly attacks in which 50 people were killed at mosques in the city of Christchurch. The government will be announcing further details of [...]

ArmyAmber / Pixabay

On Thursday, the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland announced that there was enough evidence available to prosecute a soldier involved in Bloody Sunday. The soldier was identified as Soldier F and is being prosecuted for two murders and four attempted murders. For the other eighteen suspects, “it has been concluded that the available evidence [...]

Anfaenger / Pixabay

The US Department of State released its annual human rights country reports for 2018 Wednesday. In an attempt to hold other countries accountable for their human rights records, the State Department publishes annual reports on countries around the world. The goal is to guarantee basic human rights including “freedoms of religion or belief, expression, peaceful [...]

12019 / Pixabay

The UK House of Commons voted on Wednesday to reject exiting the EU without a deal in place. The vote had a margin of 43, with 321 voting in favor of the measure and 278 voting against the measure. The vote is not legally binding. The measure was amended by a vote of 312-308 to [...]


Spotify announced on Wednesday that the company has filed a complaint against Apple with the European Commission, a regulatory body responsible for keeping competition fair and nondiscriminatory. Daniel Ek, founder and CEO of Spotify, penned an article claiming that Apple has created an unfair “ecosystem” by “deliberately other app developers.” Apple operates a platform that, for over [...]

skeeze / Pixabay

In a report released on Wednesday, Amnesty International stated that European governments, by prioritizing border control, are complicit in “the systematic, unlawful and frequently violent pushbacks” against asylum seekers. The report details the abuse asylum seekers face at the hands of Croatian police and the squalid conditions in the refugee camps. In addition, the bureaucratic [...]


A UN panel of experts on Monday released a report that details numerous sanction violations by North Korea. Economic sanctions against North Korea were originally imposed to deter nuclear and ballistic missile programs, but these programs have not ceased and the sanctions have been undermined via “illegal ship-to-ship transfers of petroleum products and coal.” In [...]