World Legal News

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was dealt another blow on Monday when Speaker of the House John Bercow refused to allow him to present his new Brexit agreement for a second floor vote, citing parliamentary rules that prevent members from bringing the same legislation for a vote multiple times. Johnson was able to broker a [...]

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Northern Ireland’s new abortion laws took effect Tuesday after lawmakers sat in assembly Monday aiming to halt their implementation. The Speaker rejected efforts to introduce preventative legislation, citing procedural concerns. It is reasonable to say that it cannot be considered good practice to seek to take legislation through the House on a given day without [...]


Amnesty International released their inaugural report on the performance of three regional human rights institutions in Africa on Monday, finding low compliance with the final decisions of the regional mechanisms. Although many states have consistently promised to comply, the report found that overall the states have failed to follow through. For example, the African Court [...]

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Chilean President Sebastián Piñera declared a state of emergency Friday amid nationwide protests. The protests began over a hike in subway prices, which has been defended by the president as a natural reaction to the rise of the dollar. The president has told the people of Chile that the government will look at the law [...]


The US Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) announced further restrictions on Cuba’s access to commercial aircraft on Friday.  The Cuban regime used leased commercial aircraft, subject to BIS jurisdiction, to transport tourists and generate revenue for the Cuban regime. BIS is now revoking existing licenses and will deny further applications for leases [...]

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The Hong Kong Court of First Instance ruled Friday against a lesbian woman who sought constitutional protections for same-sex marriage. The plaintiff, identified in the case as MK, a Hong Kong permanent resident, brought this case in hopes of having Hong Kong grant recognition of same-sex marriage under the island’s constitution, or, in the alternative, [...]


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and leaders of the European Union reached a tentative agreement on Thursday for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU. The final agreement is similar to the deal that Johnson proposed earlier in October. While the deal is substantially similar for England, Scotland, and Wales as former Prime [...]


The US House of Representatives on Tuesday approved the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, aimed at protecting the civil rights of Hong Kong residents. The bill would end Hong Kong’s special trading status with the US unless the State Department conducted an annual review ensuring that the authorities were respecting human rights and [...]

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The UK Supreme Court held on Wednesday that Warrington District Court Judge Claire Gilham is a “worker” entitled to whistleblower protections under Part IVA of the Employment Rights Act, allowing her case to move forward in the Employment Tribunal. The issue stems from austerity measures implemented over the course of several years, which resulted in the [...]