World Legal News
blazejosh / Pixabay

Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal (CFA)  judge James Spigelman resigned on Friday due to concerns over Beijing’s new national security law that many fear infringes on Hong Kong’s autonomy and freedoms. Without offering details, Spigelman said he will step down for reasons “related to the content of the national security legislation.” A spokesperson for Chief [...]


Delhi police filed charges on Thursday against 15 protesters opposed to the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) during the Hindu-Muslim riots. Police filed charges in a court in eastern New Delhi, and the filing is more than 17,000 pages long, said police spokesperson Anil Mittal. Violence erupted in New Delhi back in February as a response to [...]


Twenty-nine countries, including the US, Australia, Germany and Japan, released a joint statement on Thursday condemning the government of Belarus’s reported internet shutdowns and content blocking after the country’s fraudulent 2020 presidential elections. President Alexander Lukashenko, who has served as the Belarusian President for 26 years, was re-elected on August 9. However, the EU rejected [...]

jorono / Pixabay

The UN report claimed Thursday that human rights violations are still widespread and remain unpunished in Burundi, despite the new government. The Commission of Inquiry on Burundi, which drafted the report at the request of the UN Human Rights Council, said that there has been little in the way of positive changes as to human rights [...]

jackal007 / Pixabay

Maria Kolesnikova, an opposition protest leader in Belarus, was charged with undermining Belarus’ national security on Wednesday. She is one of the few major opposition politicians still in Belarus. Since the presidential election, numerous opposition politicians have fled into exile or vanished. Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, who challenged Alexander Lukashenko for the presidency, has fled to Lithuania. [...]

© WikiMedia (anjči)

The Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Wednesday announced the arrest of nine men suspected of participating in the massacre of 44 Bosnian Muslims in 1992. In addition to the nine who have been arrested, the prosecutor’s office has accused two others, an unnamed man living in Canada and Radislav Krstic. The prosecutor’s office [...]


In a statement read before the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), 29 member states condemned the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia over serious human rights violations and called for accountability for the 2018 murder of a Washington Post journalist. Carsten Staur, Denmark’s UN Ambassador, delivered the address on Tuesday. While the statement commended the kingdom’s steps [...]

© WikiMedia (Mhtoori)

Amjad Ali Khan, a member of Pakistan’s ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, introduced legislation on Tuesday to make it a crime for a person to intentionally ridicule, bring into disrepute or defame the Armed Forces or a member of the Armed Forces. The punishment is imprisonment of up to two years or a fine that may [...]

© WikiMedia (Agencia de Noticias ANDES)

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador sent a request to the Senate Tuesday for approval to place a national referendum on the ballot that would authorize investigation and prosecution of five former presidents of Mexico for crimes allegedly committed in office. A national consultation to approve an investigation of former presidents would be unprecedented. In [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) and the US Department of the Treasury announced Wednesday that they had imposed criminal charges and financial sanctions on two Russian nationals for their involvement in a phishing campaign. The two men were accused of stealing almost $17 million worth of cryptocurrency in a series of phishing attacks in [...]