World Legal News
© WikiMedia (Evgeny Feldman / Novaya Gazeta)

Agnes Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International, accused Vladimir Putin Wednesday of subjecting Alexei Navalny to a slow death through torture and inhumane detention conditions. Navalny, Putin’s most prominent critic, was poisoned in August 2020, the consequences of which Callamard alleges may be exacerbating his condition. Since his imprisonment earlier this year, reports indicate Navalny [...]


Iran on Tuesday announced indictments against 10 individuals it says were involved in the shooting down of a Ukrainian passenger plane in January 2020. Iran had been on high military alert at the time of the downing of the aircraft. Just days before Iran had launched missile attacks against targets in Iraq, including bases housing [...]


Sudan’s Council of Ministers on Tuesday approved a bill to cancel a 1958 law mandating a boycott of the nation of Israel. The 1958 law forbade diplomatic and business relations with Israel, with penalties including up to 10 years in jail and large fines for violators. Last October the two nations agreed to normalize relations [...]


The Russian state communications regulator announced Monday that it would be extending the punitive slowdown of Twitter traffic until May 15. The Russian regulator had first announced the decision to slow down Twitter nearly four weeks ago in response to what it deemed as the social media platform’s failure to remove banned content such as child [...]

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Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law Monday allowing him to run for an additional two terms, meaning that Putin could retain control of the Russian presidency until 2036. Putin first served as President of the Russian Federation from 2000 until 2008, then stepped down to serve as Prime Minister from 2008 until 2012, at [...]

Konevi / Pixabay

Prince Hamzah bin Hussein, Jordan’s former crown prince, was accused on Sunday of having links with foreign parties over “malicious plot” to undermine the country’s security and destabilize it. Jordan’s ruling family traces its lineage back to Islam’s Prophet Muhammad. After the death of King Al Hussein bin Talal in 1999, Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein was [...]

geralt / Pixabay

Turkish prosecutors on Monday issued arrest warrants for 10 retired senior navy officials a day after 104 officials released a letter defending the Montreux Doctrine. The Montreux Doctrine is an agreement made in 1936 concerning critical waterways that run through Turkey, most notably the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits. The terms of the international convention provide that [...]

© WikiMedia (US State Department)

Prosecutors in the trial of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed Monday that Netanyahu used favors as “currency.” According to local media, Netanyahu is facing “charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust in Case 4000, and fraud and breach of trust charges in Case 1000 and Case 2000.” He denies all charges and has [...]

hswajid / Pixabay

Pakistan’s Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) in Lahore on Saturday sentenced five persons who led Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JuD), an organization founded by Hafiz Saeed with financial support from Osama bin Laden, each to nine years’ imprisonment for terrorism financing. JuD is known as the political arm of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), which was responsible for the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks [...]


The G7 Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US issued a statement on Friday calling for an independent and transparent investigation into alleged human rights abuses in Ethiopia’s Tigray region. There has been ongoing conflict between central government soldiers and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) in the northern [...]