US Legal News

US President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order discharging federal student loan debt for totally and permanently disabled veterans. The order seeks to alter the Higher Education Act of 1965 and its 2008 amendment, which already discharged federal student loans for this group of veterans. Previously though, disabled veterans were required to submit [...]

© WikiMedia Commons (Ted Eytan)

A judge for the US District Court for the District of Maryland ruled Tuesday that the lawsuit challenging the transgender military ban can continue. The ban will remain in place, but the plaintiffs will be able to continue their challenge of the ban as discriminatory against transgender individuals. The judge denied the defendant’s motion to [...]


The Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services announced a new rule Wednesday pertaining to how the government handles immigration cases involving minors. The new rule effectively ends the Flores Settlement Agreement (FSA), which set the policy for detaining immigrant minors. Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan argued that recent interpretations of [...]


The Ohio Supreme Court ruled Tuesday against a probationary civil service employee who attempted to sue the state for wrongful discharge. The suit was brought by James Miracle, a former employee of both the Mansfield Correctional Institution and the Ohio Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Miracle was a building construction superintendent at Mansfield Correctional Institution in [...]


The Supreme Court of California ruled Monday that the City of San Diego improperly failed to consider the environmental impact of its new zoning ordinance limiting the creation of marijuana dispensaries. San Diego Ordinance O-20356, put forward by the city council in 2014, sought to impose a number of limitations on where marijuana dispensaries could [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a complaint in the Delaware district court to block Sabre Corporation’s $360 million dollar acquisition of Farelogix, Inc. Sabre is currently one of the largest booking service companies providing airlines and travel agencies the technological solutions to book tickets with various airlines. The DOJ is concerned that Sabre’s [...]

© WikiMedia (Michael Coghlan)

US Attorney General William Barr announced Monday that the acting head of the Bureau of Prisons has been removed following the death of Jeffrey Epstein. Barr said that he will be appointing Dr. Kathleen Hawk Sawyer as the new Director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Barr previously appointed Hawk Sawyer to the same role [...]

© WikiMedia (Charlotte Cooper)

The acting president of Planned Parenthood on Monday announced Planned Parenthood’s withdrawal from Title X, stating that the organization is continuing to fight President Donald Trump’s gag rule rule in court. Title X funded clinics generally serve low-income men and women, offering contraception and a wide variety of related reproductive health services. Under the Trump [...]


California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the most restrictive use-of-force law of any police organization in the US Monday. The bill, AB392, heavily revises the ability of officers to use deadly force and the scrutiny under which force is evaluated. Under the new law, officers will only be allowed to use deadly force in the necessary [...]