Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen Wednesday announced the passage the Climate Change Response Act, codifying the nation’s goal to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The act passed its third reading in January and aims to establish a more well-rounded coping mechanisms in response to climate change while minimising and monitoring the emission of greenhouse gases. [...]


The Australian federal government Monday released the second part of its plan to help accelerate the implementation of the Closing the Gap Agreement made in 2020. This agreement seeks to resolve the disparity that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been subject to through political exclusion, intergenerational trauma, and ongoing institutional racism. The original [...]


The Australian government introduced the Workplace Gender Equality Amendment (Closing the Gender Pay Gap) Bill 2023 into Parliament Wednesday, attempting to close the country’ gender pay gap. The bill would increase employer transparency and raise the bar from the “minimum standard” gender equality benchmark provided by the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012. The new amendment [...]

© WikiMedia (Shanghai88)

The Hong Kong Final Court of Appeal Monday ruled that policies requiring transgender men to undergo full sex re-assignment surgery (SRS) to alter gender markers on their Hong Kong ID cards are unconstitutional and quashed the decisions of previous courts. After hearing the submissions from both sides in January, the court held that the Commissioner [...]


The national security trial of the 47 pro-democracy activists commenced in the Hong Kong High Court Monday, two years since their arrest in 2021. Amongst them, 16 defendants denied the charges. Five of the defendants–Au Nok-hin, Benny Tai Yiu-ting, Andrew Chiu Ka-yin, Ben Chung Kam-lun and Gordon Ng–are accused of being the organizers of an [...]

© WikiMedia (Ninjastrikers)

Myanmar’s military junta Friday announced a new law that restricts the ability of political parties to participate in elections. The new Political Parties Registration Law contains strict provisions, such as requiring parties that wish to take part in the upcoming election to recruit a minimum of 100,000 party members within 90 days and giving the [...]

Darilon / Pixabay

The Scottish government Sunday announced a prohibition on moving transgender persons with any history of violence against women into women’s prisons until the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) completes a review of transgender prisoner management. Justice Secretary Keith Brown said the measures are an “urgent” response after transgender woman Isla Bryson was found guilty of raping [...]

Likumbage, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Tanzania’s opposition leader Tundu Lissu Wednesday returned to Tanzania after his attempted assassination in 2017, which he claims was politically motivated. The Lissu announced his return last Thursday on Twitter, detailing his flight and landing details while announcing his comeback and future political ambitions. Lissu said President Samoa Suluhu Hassan’s early January decision to lift the [...]

© WikiMedia (Laurent Verdier)

The EU General Court Wednesday held that documents circulated in EU Council working groups regarding an amendment to the EU’s 2013 financial statement directive should be publicly accessible. The court reasoned that the release of these documents would not seriously undermine the legislative process. Emilio De Capitani, a former official at the European Parliament, sought [...]

© WikiMedia (Phil Roeder)

A Brooklyn, New York federal judge Monday rejected Douglass Mackey’s arguments to dismiss an indictment brought by federal prosecutors from the Eastern District of New York (EDNY). Mackey is accused of participating in an online conspiracy to spread deceptive information during the 2016 Presidential election to injure some Twitter users’ right to vote. Mackey argued [...]