Pexels / Pixabay

The US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit on Thursday rejected an appeal by the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge Number 7, blocking them from intervening in the court-ordered reform program aimed at combating the Chicago police’s pattern of unconstitutional use of force. In January 2017 the US Department of Justice (DOJ) released a [...]

geralt / Pixabay

The Supreme Court of California declined Wednesday to block a law requiring state police departments to publicly disclose reports arising from improper officer use of force. The San Bernadino County Sheriff’s Employees’ Benefit Association, a police employee union in San Bernadino county, petitioned the court to block the release of records from before 2019, arguing [...]

skeeze / Pixabay

The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in Gamble v. United States, a case that will decide whether a longstanding exception to the Constitutional protection against double jeopardy will remain in effect. Terence Gamble was convicted of robbery in Alabama in 2008. As a convicted felon, Gamble was not permitted to own or possess [...]


A group of UN human rights experts on Tuesday urged action to combat inequality and discrimination in society across the globe. The statement comes on the thirty-second anniversary of the Declaration on the Right to Development, reaffirming the UN’s stance that it is critical for nations across the world to address issues of inequality, discrimination [...]

© WikiMedia (Michael Coghlan)

The Supreme Court Rhode Island ruled on Thursday that the parental rights of a convicted murderer serving two consecutive life sentences were correctly limited by the lower state courts. Tony Gonzalez was convicted of two counts of murder in July 2012 and sentenced to serve two consecutive life imprisonment terms. While serving his sentence, his [...]

Sixth Circuit Courtroom © WikiMedia (Carol M. Highsmith)

On Wednesday, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the Social Security Administration, declaring that it unfairly ruled against a number of individuals who claimed disability benefits and had received those benefits while represented by a lawyer who was later convicted of fraud. Eric Conn, a Kentucky lawyer that specialized in Social Security claims, [...]

robynm / Pixabay

A group of thirteen United States government agencies led by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released a landmark study of the effects of climate change on Friday, describing the economic impact that the rapid rise in global temperatures will have over the next century. The Fourth National Climate Assessment is the latest in [...]

© WikiMedia (Daniel Case)

Mexico’s highest court ruled on Thursday that the country’s recently enacted military policing law was unconstitutional. Mexico passed the controversial Internal Security Law in December 2017, establishing a legal framework for employing the national army and navy in place of civilian police forces in order to combat increasing violence in the country. Legislators argued at [...]

jarmoluk / Pixabay

The Supreme Court of Kentucky on Thursday upheld the state’s recently passed “right-to-work” law. The 2017 Kentucky Right to Work Act made it illegal for labor unions to require membership in the union as a condition to working at a job and prohibited unions from requiring dues payments from non-union employees. Similar right-to-work laws had [...]