A Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) spokesperson announced Monday that the PCG removed a floating barrier allegedly placed by China near the disputed Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea. This comes days after the PCG claimed that China had placed the floating barrier to prevent Philippine fishermen from accessing fishing grounds near the shoal, which [...]


Mohamed Khairullah, a New Jersey mayor who was denied entry to the White House Eid al-Fitr event despite a previous invitation, sued multiple US government agencies Monday, including the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and Secret Service, to end the Federal Terrorist Screening Dataset (FTSD). The Secret Service has not confirmed why Khairullah, mayor of [...]

© WikiMedia Commons (Voice of America)

Nine California lawmakers sent a letter to California Attorney General Rob Bonta requesting that his office seek an official court opinion as to whether Donald Trump’s current 2024 presidential run is unconstitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment, which prevents those who have committed “insurrection or rebellion” against the US while in office from seeking office again. [...]

US State Department // Public Domain

The US State Department informed Congress on Monday that it would be waiving sanctions and unfreezing $6 billion in Iranian assets at banking institutions to be used for “humanitarian aid” in exchange for five US citizens held as prisoners in Iran. The exchange has allegedly been in the works for some time, with talks beginning [...]

© WikiMedia (Bjoertvedt)

New York Supreme Court Justice Thomas Marcelle ruled Monday in the case Cuomo v. New York State Commission on Ethics and Lobbying in Government (NYSCOELIG) that NYSCOELIG violates the New York State Constitution due to its statutorily prescribed independence. NYSCOELIG was created under New York Executive Law §94 as an independent ethics watchdog. Marcelle stated [...]


Afghanistan and Pakistan’s border dispute over the Torkham Border Crossing flared up over the weekend as both Pakistan and Afghanistan claimed the other indiscriminately fired on border patrol forces. Pakistan closed the Torkham Border Crossing in the middle of last week after alleging that Afghanistan constructed unapproved buildings on the border. According to Afghan officials, [...]

12019 / Pixabay

A US District Court Northern District of Alabama three judge panel Tuesday tossed out the Alabama legislature’s proposed congressional map, holding that the current map is still racially gerrymandered and likely violates Section Two of the Voting Rights Act. This is the second time this panel has tossed out a proposed Alabama congressional map during [...]

© WikiMedia (Miyin2)

US District Court Judge Ronnie Greer issued a temporary restraining order Friday to prevent Blount County, TN District Attorney General Ryan K. Desmond from interfering with the Blount County Pride Festival under Tennessee’s Adult Entertainment Act (AEA). The Blount County Pride Festival was held on Saturday as planned. The AEA bans “male or female impersonators [...]

toubibe / Pixabay

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) announced Saturday that incumbent President Emmerson Mnangagwa won the presidential election, maintaining power. However, international election watchdogs and the international community have raised doubts about the legitimacy of Mnangagwa’s election, along with Mnangagwa’s main opponent, Nelson Chamisa of the opposition Citizens’ Coalition for Change Party (CCC). After the release of [...]


US journalist Evan Gershkovich appealed the latest extension of his pre-trial detention in Russia on espionage charges Saturday, according to Russian state media. This is Gershkovich’s third appeal, having appealed his previous extension of pre-trial detention and his original arrest and detention in April. According to Russian state news agency TASS, the Wall Street Journal [...]