© JURIST // Kirubi Maina

The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) and the Police Reforms Working Group published a statement on Wednesday urging the National Police Service to respect and uphold human rights ahead of demonstrations in the country planned for Thursday. The joint statement underscores the police’s constitutional commitment to preserve the right to peaceful assembly while also protecting [...]

jorono / Pixabay

Human Rights Watch (HRW) appealed on Tuesday for the immediate release of 12 detainees, including the brother of Batte Urgessa, a political opposition member assassinated in April 2024. In a news release, the organization condemned the murder and the arbitrary imprisonment of the 12 people associated with Batte, describing it as a violation of fundamental [...]


The governor of Kano State, Nigeria, issued a 24-hour curfew on Thursday after crowds looted and destroyed property amid anti-corruption protests. Following the curfew, all citizens are expected to stay home, prohibiting them from demonstrating. Protesters set fire to tires in front of the state governor’s residence, while looters broke into a nearby warehouse and [...]

© WikiMedia (Kaizenify)

Amnesty International urged Nigeria’s government on Thursday to uphold human rights ahead of widespread youth protests against food shortages and the cost of living crises. The rallies, which were coordinated on various social media channels, highlight rising prices and economic frustration among Nigerian youth. According to Amnesty International’s Nigeria Director, Isa Sanusi:  The Nigerian authorities must [...]


The Centre for Human and Socioeconomic Rights (CHSR) urged Nigeria’s Inspector General of Police (IGP) on Sunday to end unlawful detention in the country. During a news conference in Ijaiye Lagos, the CHSR’s National President urged the IGP to investigate cases of police brutality, unlawful detention, and abuse of office power, among other violations of citizens’ rights. [...]

jorono / Pixabay

President William Ruto on Thursday dismissed his cabinet and the attorney general, save for the deputy president and the Prime Cabinet Secretary (PCS). In a televised press release, the president directed that in the absence of these cabinet secretaries, principal secretaries would coordinate the ministries until the next cabinet is constituted. According to the president: [...]


President William Ruto declined to assent on Wednesday to the contentious Finance Bill 2024, sending it back to the National Assembly for reconsideration. This decision came amid ongoing protests led by Kenya’s Gen Z population voicing strong opposition to the bill. According to President Ruto: Taking into consideration the widespread expression of dissatisfaction by members [...]

Alfredo Jr./VOA Português, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Constitutional Council in Mozambique on Saturday rejected an appeal filed by Ossufo Momade, the presidential candidate of the Renamo Party. Momade had challenged the electoral symbol, a pigeon, used by the Democratic Alliance Coalition (CAD) and its presidential candidate Venancio Mondlane. Momade contended that CAD’s symbol of a pigeon could be readily mistaken with [...]

© WikiMedia (Wing)

The Kenya High Court on Friday ordered that a lawsuit seeking to prevent the government from deploying police to Haiti be served on top government officials, according to Reuters. The court scheduled the case’s hearing for June 12. Thirdway Alliance Kenya leaders Dr. Ekuru Aukot and Miruru Waweru filed the complaint on Thursday to block [...]


Amnesty  International cautioned Friday against potential threats to indigenous peoples’ rights in the measurement of progress towards the Global Biodiversity Framework. The organization emphasized the imperative for states to engage in consultations with indigenous communities and secure their “free, prior, and informed consent,” in line with the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. [...]