sharonang / Pixabay

The Constitutional Court of South Africa declared Friday that section 18(2)(b) of the Riotous Assemblies Act on the crime of incitement is inconsistent with section 16(1) of the Constitution, which provides for freedom of expression. Julius Malema had on various occasions called upon his supporters to occupy land regardless of their lack of title. The National Prosecuting [...]


The UK government Tuesday introduced a new Telecommunications (Security) Bill that aims to give it power to govern the activities of providers of public electronic communications network or/and public electronic communications services. The proposed legislation is meant to reduce and manage security risks posed by service providers. In July, the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre [...]


The US District Court for the Northern District of California granted a temporary restraining order Thursday blocking new procedures and limitations for refugees seeking asylum from taking effect. The rule proposed by the Trump administration adds new bars to eligibility for asylum. It required that convictions modified, vacated, or clarified for rehabilitative purposes or made [...]

HPBotha / Pixabay

The Constitutional Court of South Africa ruled Thursday that sections of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act effectively denying domestic workers compensation if they suffer disease, disablement, injuries, or death in the course of their employment are unconstitutional as they infringe on fundamental rights of domestic workers set out in the South African [...]