Crime in the United States, 2003; US Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, October 27, 2004 [finding that violent crime, consisting of murder, non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, was down 3 percent in volume from 2002...


Doe v. Bush, United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, US Department of Justice, motion to dismiss a lawsuit against President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld challenging the authority of the Bush and Rumsfeld to wage war...


Doe v. Bush, United States District Court District of Massachusetts, February 13, 2003 [filed by a coalition of US soldiers, parents of US soldiers and Congressmen challenging the authority of President Bush and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld to wage war against...


Analysis of Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003, Department of Justice, January 9, 2003 [examining potential legislation which would significantly extend domestic intelligence, surveillance and law enforcement prerogatives granted to the government by the USA Patriot Act while limiting public...