TBIT / Pixabay

The Department of Justice (DOJ) Tuesday unsealed a 28-count indictment against former California congressman TJ Cox. Cox was indicted for 10 counts of wire fraud, 11 counts of money laundering, 5 counts of wire fraud affecting financial institutions, and one count of contributions in the name of another. The bulk of the charges come from [...]

© WikiMedia (FBI)

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) Monday announced it opposes revealing the affidavit for a search warrant of former President Donald Trump’s home in Florida. Federal agents executed the search warrant on August 8. Prosecutors say that revealing the affidavit “could alter the investigation’s trajectory, reveal ongoing and future investigative efforts, and undermine agents’ ability [...]


Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly Foxx announced Tuesday that Cook County judges vacated 7 murder charges because of a former Chicago detective’s misconduct in investigating the cases. The individuals were exonerated after the Foxx chose not to oppose legal challenges to their convictions. An eighth individual’s conviction, which Foxx is no longer defending, is still [...]


The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced Monday that they will end implementation of the Migrant Protection Protocols Program (MPP). There will be no new enrollees in the program, and migrants currently waiting in Mexico will be permitted to enter the US for their next scheduled court dates. According to DHS’s July MPP Cohort [...]


The US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Thursday that a Kentucky federal grand jury has charged four current and former police officers with federal crimes in relation to the murder of Breonna Taylor. The grand jury charged Joshua Jaynes and Kyle Meany with deprivation of rights under color of law, conspiracy, falsification of records in [...]

Cristiano Tomás, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The US Senate Tuesday passed a bill that expands healthcare for veterans by a vote of 86-11 despite facing unexpected challenges last week. The bill, referred to as Honoring our PACT Act of 2022, was initially passed but had to be put on hold when the House addressed an error in the bill. The bill [...]


Arian Taherzadeh Monday pled guilty in federal court to conspiracy and other charges. Taherzadeh admitted that he, along with co-defendant Hadier Ali and one other unnamed defendant, created a fake Department of Homeland Security (DHS) group. Under this guise, Taherzadeh illegally obtained money and important documents for more than two years. Taherzadeh was arrested in [...]

Blomst / Pixabay

A Florida jury Monday found Tesla one percent negligent in a 2018 high speed crash that killed 18-year-old Barrett Riley after Tesla disabled Riley’s speed limiter without permission from his parents. James and Jenny Riley requested that a device that limits the car’s top speed to 85 miles per hour be installed after their son [...]


Payton Gendron Monday pled not guilty to 27 federal charges he faces for carrying out a mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, Tops supermarket. Gendron was indicted last Thursday in the US District Court for the Western District of New York. Gendron faces ten counts of a “hate crime act resulting in death,” ten counts of [...]

JJ Harrison, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Former CIA Agent Joshua Schulte was convicted on espionage charges in federal court Wednesday for providing national defense information to the website Wikileaks. Schulte was charged in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York back in 2018 with a 13 count superseding indictment which included espionage charges, child pornography charges, and [...]