New UK Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood said in a speech on Friday that the fresh Labour government will temporarily release prisoners and place them under community supervision to combat overcrowding in the nation’s prisons. The government will reduce the proportion of certain custodial sentences to be served within prison walls by 10 per cent. There will [...]


UK political party Reform UK leader Nigel Farage claimed Saturday that Google blocked the party’s Ad Accounts. Farage called this “election interference.” The account has since been reinstated. One advertisement was removed for a “policy violation.” It is unclear which policy they violated. Google’s advertising policies that appear most applicable are the political content and [...]


UK High Court granted Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Oxfam permission to join a legal bid to halt UK arms sales to Israel, in a decision made Thursday. The case was originally brought by Al-Haq and GLAN in December 2023. They are calling on the High Court to order the Business and Trade Secretary, [...]

Darilon / Pixabay

Scotland MSPs voted in favor of releasing many prisoners early to address overcrowding in Scottish jails, in a meeting of the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday. Approximately 550 prisoners are currently eligible for early release, according to the Scottish Parliament. This will only apply to those serving sentences under four years and not to prisoners convicted [...]

Photo: Sgt Adrian Harlen/MOD, OGL v1.0OGL v1.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Kenyan Parliament has launched four public hearings into alleged human rights violations committed by UK troops stationed in the country, with the first two hearings taking place in Laikipia County on Tuesday. The next hearing took place Wednesday morning in Samburu County, and the last will occur on Thursday morning in Laikipia. This follows [...]

Philius, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A 64-year-old man, identified as Howard Michael Phillips, was charged by the Metropolitan Police with offenses under the National Security Act 2023, according to a police press report issued Wednesday. He appeared at Westminister Magistrates’ Court on Thursday to confirm his address and date of birth. Judge Daniel Sternberg denied Phillips bail and ordered him [...]


The UK Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights heard expert evidence on recent European Court of Human Rights judgments surrounding climate change and its relevance to human rights on Wednesday. While the meeting particularly emphasised the effects these judgments will have on the UK, the experts also discussed the contents of climate-related judgments and their [...]

OSeveno, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A group of 12 Republican US senators sent a letter to International Criminal Court (ICC) Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan on April 24 threatening repercussions if the court issued arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials, according to a report by news organization Zeteo, which published the letter Monday. The senators alleged [...]


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and European Union leaders condemned the recent series of attacks on politicians in Germany on Saturday. This included the recent assault on European Parliament candidate Matthias Ecke, who was hospitalized on Friday. One of his attackers surrendered to police custody on Sunday. Ecke, 41, is a European Parliament member for the [...]


UK authorities charged Dylan Earl with conducting hostile activity to benefit a foreign state—in this case, Russia—following Crown Prosecution Service authorization on Friday. Four other men have also been charged in relation to the arson plot. This marks the first time authorities have filed charges under the new National Security Act 2023. Earl allegedly criminal [...]