The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) on Thursday released its first report on the effects of solitary confinement on inmates with physical disabilities. The report, titled "Caged In: The Devastating Harms of Solitary...
Chief Judge Gail Tusan of the Superior Court of Fulton County on Wednesday refused to place a hold on her previous ruling granting in-state tuition to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) [official...
The European Commission on Tuesday proposed rules to bolster electronic communications as well as to "create new possibilities to process communication data and reinforce trust and security." The First Vice President stated that the...
Australian citizen and former Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks made a court appearance on Tuesday in Adelaide on assault charges against his partner. Hicks was accused of assaulting his partner in September of last...
NY Governor Andrew Cuomo on Saturday vetoed a bill that would require the state to pay for indigent representation when counties were unable. The bill was passed six months ago with bipartisan support, though the...
California Congressman Adam Schiff, on Sunday stated that there will be a bi-partisan push for stronger sanctions against Russia if incoming president Donald Trump attempts to undo those already in place [JURIST...
The State Council of China announced on Friday that it will ban all trade of ivory by the end of 2017. It is anticipated that the commercial processing of ivory will...
Starting on January 1, 2017 French companies will be required to guarantee employees a "right to disconnect" from technology, in an effort to combat the "always-on" mentality pervading our modern workforce. The new law will require companies...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday summoned the ambassadors of the fourteen UN Security Council members who supported a resolution condemning Israel's settlement in Palestine to rebuke them for the vote. Following the passage...
A UN human rights report published Wednesday calls for action to be taken in order to reunite families who were separated along the Korean Peninsula following the Korean War. The report highlights the different forms of familial...