The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal overturned on Thursday the acquittal of pro-democracy activist Chow Hang-tung in reinstating her conviction of inciting others to participate in an unauthorized assembly under Section 17A(3)(a) of the Public Order Ordinance and the common law. Chow was previously sentenced to 15 months prison on January 4, 2022 over [...]

READ MORE, Attribution, via Wikimedia Commons(foto di Francesco Ammendola - Ufficio per la Stampa e la Comunicazione della Presidenza della Repubblica)

Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová urged lawmakers on Thursday to reconsider Prime Minister Robert Fico’s proposal to reform Slovakia’s criminal law and dissolve the Special Prosecutor’s Office. She warned that Fico’s proposed legislative changes may violate the country’s legislative process, constitution and principles of the rule of law. Fico introduced the reforms in December as a [...]

Adrian Grycuk, CC BY-SA 3.0 PL, via Wikimedia Commons

Poland’s Central Anti-Corruption Bureau detained on Wednesday former deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Piotr Wawrzyk for his role in allegedly influencing the issuing of Polish visas by expediting visa applications in exchange for payments. Wawrzyk insisted that he was innocent and was released on bail. He faces a maximum of ten years [...]


Ecuador President Daniel Noboa told radio station Canela Radio on Wednesday that Ecuador was “in a state of war” with criminal groups that have held prison officers hostage. He also said that the country was in an internal armed conflict and fighting for peace against the criminal groups. Noboa previously declared a state of emergency [...]

Voice of America, Cantonese Service, Iris Tong, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Hong Kong’s West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts sentenced Hong Kong activist Chu Kai-poon to three months in prison on Wednesday, according to local media outlet The Witness. Chu pleaded guilty on January 2 to two counts of sedition after national security police arrested him on November 27 for wearing a shirt with the slogan “Liberate Hong [...]

Voice of America, Cantonese Service, Iris Tong, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Hong Kong activist Chu Kai-poon pleaded guilty on Thursday to two counts of sedition at Hong Kong’s West Kowloon Magistrates’ Courts. Chu was previously arrested on November 27 by national security police at the Hong Kong International Airport for wearing a shirt with “seditious wording.” He was then charged on November 29 with two counts [...]


Hong Kong pro-democracy tycoon Jimmy Lai pleaded not guilty Tuesday to two counts of conspiring to collude with foreign forces and one count of publishing “seditious” materials, according to Hong Kong Free Press. Conspiring to collude with foreign forces violates the National Security Law, and publishing “seditious” materials violates the sedition law. Lai has been detained [...]

Voice of America, Cantonese Service, Iris Tong, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Hong Kong’s government told the UN Human Rights Council in a report on Wednesday that Hong Kong has taken a “major turn from chaos to governance” since the implementation of the National Security Law. The report was published by the Hong Kong government after three weeks of public consultation in June. According to the report, [...]


Pakistan’s Ministry of Interior announced Monday that the Pakistani police have released all 290 Baloch activists that were arrested while attempting to protest forced disappearances and extrajudicial killings last week in Islamabad. Around 200 Baloch activists traveled 1,600 kilometers from Balochistan, Pakistan to Islamabad. They attempted to protest the death of Balaach Mola Bakhsh, who [...]

Wadalyemen, CC By-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk expressed concern on Wednesday over human rights violations committed amidst the armed conflict between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Wad Madani, Sudan. According to Türk, reports have reflected that at least 250,000 people have been displaced in Sudan thus far. In [...]