France arrests individual in fear of attack during Olympic torch relay procession News
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France arrests individual in fear of attack during Olympic torch relay procession

French authorities arrested and took into custody a 26-year-old male on Thursday ahead of the Olympic torch relay in Bordeaux, according to French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin.

The authorities, who arrested the individual in Gironde, suspected that the man was planning a violent attack set to take place while the Olympic torch passed through the region of Bordeaux on Thursday afternoon. Darmanin thanked the police officers and the agents at the French Ministry of the Interior for maintaining the festival’s security.

Bordeaux prosecutor Frédérique Porterie stated that although the suspect “admitted to having considered committing an act,” he apparently had not decided on a target and had not specifically mentioned the Olympic torch relay.

The man has been identified as Alex G. and is from the southwestern region of France. Although he had no prior criminal record, he was linked to the “incel” movement that has been known to make calls for violence against women. The French authorities’ investigation into him began on May 17 when Alex posted online about a deadly shooting in California in 2014. Alex stated, “We miss you Elliot,” referring to the shooter Elliot Rodger, who also was tied to the “incel” movement. Authorities alleged that this attack was planned by Alex to mark the 10th anniversary of the California shooting.

The Olympic flame began an 11-week journey across France earlier this month and is set to pass through 450 towns before the start of the Olympic Games in Paris on July 26. France has taken various security measures in recent months to prepare for the Olympics and ensure the safety of the participants and spectators.